Exiting the Fragility TrapRethinking Our Approach to the World’s Most Fragile States【電子書籍】[ David Carment ]


<p>State fragility is a much-debated yet underinvestigated concept in the development and international security worlds. Based on years of research as part of the Country Indicators for Foreign Policy project at Carleton University, <em>Exiting the Fragility Trap</em> marks a major step toward remedying the lack of research into the so-called fragility trap. In examining the nature and dynamics of state transitions in fragile contexts, with a special emphasis on states that are trapped in fragility, David Carment and Yiagadeesen Samy ask three questions: Why do some states remain stuck in a fragility trap? What lessons can we learn from those states that have successfully transitioned from fragility to stability and resilience? And how can third-party interventions support fragile state transitions toward resilience?</p> <p>Carment and Samy consider fragility’s evolution in three state types: countries that are trapped, countries that move in and out of fragility, and countries that have exited fragility. Large-sample empirical analysis and six comparative case studiesーPakistan and Yemen (trapped countries), Mali and Laos (in-and-out countries), and Bangladesh and Mozambique (exited countries)ーdrive their investigation, which breaks ground toward a new understanding of why some countries fail to see sustained progress over time.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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